
Advantages of MPEG-2 Encoders

MPEG, which stands for Motion Pictures Expert Group, is an encoding and compression data processing machine used for multimedia content. MPEG-2 video encoders provide compression assistance for the transmission of television-grade digital video. By using standard algorithms, an MPEG-2 encoder administers outstanding compression for the transference of multimedia resources. These devices have been the standard for digital TV because they include the following features:

  • Compression of video content that is otherwise unavailable with MPEG-1 devices.
  • Exceptional decoding of audio content for high quality, mono and stereo equipment.
  • Transmission of multiplexing which involves the combination of a variety of MPEG channels into one single transmissible stream.
  • Full-screen interlaced and dynamic display for televisions and computers.
  • Other services include GUI, interaction, encryption and data transmission.


Interaction is a term used to describe the ability of a device to use a return channel for the control or scheduling of video and audio content. The capability to allow channels to interact with each other can be used for different services including:


  • Entry to remote data servers.
  • Entry to remote database and technological data structures that support an array of different services such as online shopping and banking.
  • Presentation and management of small video clips to endorse products and the future of programming.
  • Accessibility to the internet.


The MPEG-2—the standard for digital television—has been supported by groups other than the Motion Pictures Expert Group (MPEG) and is used for a variety of purposes including Digital Versatile Disk (DVD), Digital Audio Visual Council (DAVIC), The UK Digital TV Group and the U.S. Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC).


MPEG-2 Video Compression systems eliminate the redundancy that occurs with the transmission of multimedia data. The temporal redundancy occurs when a media source displays images of the same exact scene while spatial redundancy takes place when the parts of a displayed picture are copied with slight differences inside a single video frame. The reduction of these compression redundancies will lead to a device displaying a picture with higher quality. Transmitted sequential picture frames that contribute to repetition are eliminated and their absence will not—due to their minimal detail—decrease the quality of picture.


Find out more information about the significance of MPEG-2 encoders and the models that are currently available by visiting Radiant Communications Corporation’s website.